Taiwanese Q's: "Why did you come to Taiwan?" and "Why would a foreigner want to to study Chinese Medicine?" (Chinese and English)


在台灣台灣人常常問我  為什麼你來台灣? 我說, 因為我是中醫, 我要來台灣實習,然後他們又問,“為什麼外國人學中醫!”。

我學中醫因為我十六歲的時候我的身體很不舒服。 我去看西醫可是他們都沒有很清楚的答案。 西醫說我只有兩個選擇,吃止痛藥還是手術。跟我的好朋友聊天我告訴她我的事。我朋友說她的爸爸是中醫,我應該去問問看他。我去他的診所,我告訴她爸爸我那裡不舒服, 我很驚訝他了解我的感覺。他給我針灸然後我覺得很輕鬆也很奇怪, 我沒辦法解釋什麼感覺。 針灸以後他們給我中藥 ,離開診所的時候身體很輕鬆,心靈很平靜, 眼睛看得很清楚也感覺很亮。 每個禮拜去他診所一次,差不多三個禮拜以後身體就好了。因為這是我第一個中醫的體驗我沒想到這麼有用。對我來說很難相信好幾個針和中藥讓我就好了。從此以後我對中醫有很大的興趣,甚至開始學中醫。 我問Nevel醫師可以不可以告訴我怎麼開始學中醫。 Nevel醫師送我一本中醫的書。 一切就從這本書開始!:)

這是 Dan Atchison-Nevel中醫師的網站地址 

Hello everyone,
In Taiwan many people ask me "Why did you come to Taiwan?" As soon as I tell them that I came here to gain a deeper understanding of Chinese Medicine and Chinese culture they look shocked, then I tell them I'm TCM physician then they look confused. The next question is "Why would a foreigner want to to study Chinese medicine?"
(It's a real shocker for people here in Taiwan)

I tell my Taiwanese friends about my first experience with Chinese medicine and how that influenced me to study Chinese Medicine. I was 16 at the time and my body was not feeling well at all. My back had been having spasms since I was 8 years old, I was anxious for no reason, as well as heart palpitations, fatigue, eyes were tired and easy to loose focus and frequent UTI's etc. Like any other Westerner I sought help of Western physicians because that was all I knew.  By Western medical standards I was perfectly healthy, they couldn't find anything wrong, I had one Dr. tell me I should see a shrink. The only options were antibiotics, muscle relaxers, painkillers and maybe surgery if needed. None of those options sounded attractive...I figured I would just deal with it.

I was sharing my situation with my dear friend Ariella, her father, Dan Atchison-Nevel http://nsevhealing.com/daniel-atchison-nevel/ happened to be Chinese medical physician. Ella told me I should talk to her father and maybe he could help me. So, I went to his clinic with little expectation or understanding of what would happen. Once I got there I told Dan my symptoms, he looked me and was smiling, everything I said made sense to him, I felt shocked and comforted all at the same time. Dan gave me acupuncture and left the room. What happened in that 40 minutes I can't explain, All I can say is- it was fascinating. After the treatment I felt so good, my eyes were brighter, back was pain-free and I felt a deep sense of calm and restfulness. He prescribed my an herbal formula and I went home.

I continued to see Dan for a few months and by the 3rd or 4th week I felt so much better. I had no reoccurring symptoms and I was almost fully recovered. I couldn't believe how a few needles and herbs were able to make such extreme changes in my well-being. I asked Dan how I could begin to understand more about how TCM works and where I should begin. Dan being the generous man that he is gave me book about basic TCM theory. On top of that he invited me to his NSEV lectures.  It was from this book, his treatments and lectures that set me on the path toward Chinese Medicine. Thank you Dan Atchison-Nevel for healing me, for your influence, and willingness to teach others.

And that, my dear readers is how the story begins....


Unknown said…
Wow ! Your Chinese is amazing!!!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
you rock!!!!!
yumi said…
Anonymous said…
What a beautiful post!! Meant to be!!
Love, Ariella
Nesli said…
An amazing and transformational beginning that Im sure will lead to an even more amazing and transformational career to heal others. You are an amazing man Kenan.
陳順銓 said…
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